After playing to a crowd of three (three's a crowd, right?) at 1:15PM at Lennon's on Friday, I spent the rest of the day chilling with Chris, his wife, Olga, and their two teens.
On Saturday, Olga and I head over to the docks to look around. The docks are shielded from the River Mersey, sort of rectangular ponds parallel to the river. Oddly, you couldn't actually see the river. I am convinced that Liverpudlians are trying to hide it from visitors—I was there several days before I actually saw it. Anyway, the docks were kind of cool. The signage was trippy, though....
Chris met up with us and we did the obligatory Magical Mystery Coach tour, which took us around to see the neigborhoods where the four lads grew up. It was awesome to walk the same sidewalks that the Beatles trod!
We somehow ended up in La Tasca again, this time for amazing tapas and ever-flowing Sangria. Tristan, Chris's 15 year-old son, joined us.