The Pilsener and the Honey Wheat were lightweight, as one might expect. I prefer beer with alcohol-by-volumes in the 5-6% range: too high, and the alcohol overpowers the beer; too low, and the beer lacks character. The Dockside was better and the Wagner IPA was damn respectable! The Caywood Oatmeal Stout was my favorite, with nice caramel notes but not overly sweet. The Sled Dog Doppelbock was also really good. A bit too sweet and potent for my tastes but certainly a fine quaff. It's the kind of beer that would appeal to someone coming here for the wine: complex, not at all bitter and quite a kick.
The kids were also welcome here and they slugged down a pitcher of Wagner's fine draft root beer (non-alcoholic, of course!). Although it was not available during our visit, Wagner does make a seasonal beer that I really like: the Sugar House Maple Porter. Look for it in late February and early March.