If DNO had existed back in the days of the Cæsars, no doubt the motto of patres would have been Brevis ipsa vita est. Bibendum cervisiam quod bonum est. ("Life is short. Drink good beer.") The night certainly held its share of ennui and restlessness. We opted to move again in hopes of finding one last reliable brew. The logical move was to slink over to the Peculier Pub, a quiet brewporium smack in the middle of the Bleecker Street nuttiness, with a incredibly decent selection of foreign and domestic craft beers on tap.
I finished up with a Dogfish Head Pumpkin Ale that knocked my socks off! Great to have great beer, of course, but what made our quest complete was the combination of beer quality, lack of crowd, friendly service, and a slica vessel. Finally, a real pint in a real pint glass! We entertained ourselves with the young barmaid, Kristen, who was engaged and looking to us (if you can imagine this) for wedding advice. All and all a sweet DNO in which we triumphed once again in achieving beervana.