D.W.O. #2
November 4–6, 2011

Beers We Never Even Got the Chance to Try!

Friday | Saturday AM | Saturday PM | Sunday | Tasting Notes | Untested

Brewer Beer
Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue)
Chimay Premier Ale (Red)
Hoegaarden Witbier
Keegan Ales Mother's Milk Stout
Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale
Lake Placid Ubu Ale
Leffe Blonde Ale
McNeill's Ruby Extra Amber Ale
Pabst Blue Ribbon Lager
Paulaner Oktoberfest Weissen
Rogue Chipotle Ale
Samuel Adams Boston Lager
Samuel Adams Holiday Porter
Samuel Adams Old Fezziweg Spiced Ale
Samuel Adams Winter Lager
Saranac Summer Ale
Shock Top Belgian White
Sly Fox Ichor Abbey Style Quadrupel
Sly Fox Incubus Abbey Style Tripel
Stella Artois Premium Lager
