January 20th, 2011

David touted this East Village craft beer shop so we thought we'd give it a try. Set in the ground level of a tenement, one long wall is lined with refrigerator cases filled with bottles of the good stuff. The other wall has more bottles on shelves. It's not just a beer store, though, there are a dozen taps here too, and you can drink on the premises!

I was the first to show up. There was an interesting chocolate "flight" available:

  • Speakeasy's Scarface Stout
  • Chelsea's Russian Imperial Stout
  • Fig Truffle
  • Chocolate Truffle

Looking around the Speakeasy Ales & Lagers website, I noticed that the URL is, which begs the question "Is Speakeasy the house brand of Good Beer NYC?" At any rate, the Scarface Stout was really great! It had intense burnt coffee and bitter chocolate notes

The Chelsea Brewing Russian Imperial Stout was not bad either, but it had a much lighter mouthfeel, which was a small negative for me. Side by side, Scarface was the clear winner. The truffles were great, and the mix of the intense chocolatey beers with intense chocolatey truffles was inspired!

The other guys arrived one-by-one and soon we grabbed a small table in the back. Robert regaled us with his near-death experiences and David rattled on about his soft-cast. It was like living among the walkin' wounded! I had a nice Sixpoint light hefeweissen (What was it called? Was this the 8 Days o' Wheat?) Whatever it was, it was really nice and lemony! Our own Citi-boi, "P," liked this one. It went well with the pretzels that somehow arrived.

The surprise of the night for me was definitely the Nebraska EOS Wheat. Awesome! Crisp! Banana bread and Cloves! A real treat.

Chocolatey Goodness!

The Walkin' Wounded: Robert & David