Nov. 15, 2007

The Belgian Room (125 St. Mark's Place) is the darker, quieter side of Hop Devil Grill—I had to look inside carefully, because at first glance, the place seemed to be closed. The Belgian Room shares the kitchen with Hop Devil, but the tap selection here is limited to a few high-quality Beligian-style ales, with many more Belgian and Belgian-style ales available in bottles.

We began with a Southhampton Double White that was nice and tart. After a couple of these, we tried a Rogue that was very malty with a fruity note. I have say, while this beer was nothing to complain about, I'm not a fan of the natural (air-borne) yeast that ferments many Belgian-style ales; there's a certain "off" flavor that's an acquired taste, and that I ain't acquired yet. Then we tried a red something or other (might have been Delirium Tremens). We enjoyed some nachos and burgers. Then we closed out the tab and headed next door...

The Dark Side

The Stalwart Crew