Thurdsday, October 22, 2020

We still live in interesting times...

Another VDNO via Zoom. For a while it was just Dan and I catching up. Then, Kevin joined us and we briefly held a quorum. Dan had to run but Kevin and I chatted for a good while. Kevin's laptop camera was on the fritz, so it was more like a phonecall than a Zoom session.

I couldn't see if Kevin was imbibing, but I enjoyed a lovely bottle of Mother's Milk from Keegan Ales. As I've noted elsewhere, it has "a big aroma and a huge smoky, toffee, malty flavor and a great balance of malt and hops!" It's nice out of a bottle as long as the temperature's not too cold.

We are thinking about dear Brother Robert, who left us eight years ago this month.

A quiet VDNO this month, but great to hang with old friends.

The Cloud

Kevin's Laptop Cam
