February 16, 2012

After imbibing several fine brews at Good Beer NYC, we needed to get some food. We walked by Horus Café and it looked interesting. Before I moved to the 'burbs, I lived in the Lower East Side for 8 years. I must confess that even though the M14 bus took me by this place each day, in all that time, I'm sorry to say I'd never tried it.

Inside, it was a lively Middle Eastern restaurant. The big deal was that Kevin and "P" decided to order a hookah. I'm not from the smokers, so I must confess the whole thing is a big mystery to me. My reportage here is admittedly weak. Obviously, they weren't smoking Hashish or Opium here... right?!? I recall they ordered some fruit-infused tobacco (cherry?).

I'm still trying to parse this out, given the New York City ban on smoking in restaurants and public places (Hell, you can't even smoke in an outdoor public park any more!), but I swear this was really happening. Anyway, Kevin reported getting a headrush, which for all I know could be as much from breathing in through a little tiny pipe as much as the stimulating effects of the tobacco.

I ordered a Casa Beer (aka Casablanca Beer) in a bottle with my food. After the amazing brews at GBNYC, this Morrocan pale lager was a big let down. The food was serviceable; there's nothing specific in my notes, but it's very likely I had a chicken kabob platter with rice. The highlight of the experience was definitely the live belly dancer! Definitely great atmosphere and a good place to bring friends from out of town, but hardly a stellar cap to Dad's Night Out.

The written record is entirely mute on the subject, but "P" must have been feeling the same way: I see from the photos that we capped things off with one more at Bar None. Why do we always end up here?!?

Horus Café
293 East 10th St.,
New York, NY 10009
(212) 228-4774

Casa Beer

What perked up "P"?

Was it the hookah...

...Or the "entertainment"?

Here again?
