December 16th, 2010

n., vic′ ⋅ tõ ⋅ ri, 1. Defeat of an enemy. 2. Success in a struggle against difficulties and obstacles. 3. A state of having triumphed. (Middle English (14th c.), from Old French victorie and Latin victoria).

How fitting that, on the night of Kevin's personal triumph—the achievement of his hundreth beer at The Pony Bar—the beer on tap be solely from Victory Brewing Company!

This Downingtown, PA, brewery has a staggering array of craft beers. As of this writing there were twelve year-round beers and another eight seasonals listed on the website. They were all here tonight.

First up was the Yakima Glory Cask Ale. I found this 8.7% ABV brew to be a bit bitter due to the prominent hops. This was followed by a wheat, Donnybrook Stout (3.7% ABV) Victory's version of Guinness, Old Horizontal Barleywine a whopper clocking in at 11.0% ABV, Storm King Stout (9.1 ABV), which was much heavier and more chocolately than the dry Donnybrook, and Uncle Teddy's Bitter.

The Pony Man himself: Kevin's "Victory" lap!

The First Fifty!

Bringing it all home: Reaching 100!

Are You Taking a Picture of Me?!?